Thursday, December 21, 2006

A Story from Sahro

In the spirit of the Christmas season, I wish to relate this story to you from my student Sahro. I have edited a few grammatical and spelling errors to ensure that her story is clear, but these are her words, coming from a place of pain in her heart. For her story is the story of all those living in--or fleeing from--war-torn lands: it is a plea for peace. May God answer her prayer.

My name is Sahro Hassan. I was born in Mogadishu, Somalia. I was excited in that time, because I was living with my family. My family was a big family. We were 7 brothers and 5 sisters. We lived with our parents. I was born in the middle of them. Also I had great country, big country. It has a big sea, name's Indian Sea. Also it has 2 big rivers. It has a lot of farmers and a lot of animals. I like the weather of my country because it's not hot and not cold.

We had a governor, but our governor was not as American governor. But it was better than today. We had everything we need. We were working, studying, and we had peace and we used to be happy. Now my country is gone. Everything is broke down. The brother lost his sister, and sister lost her brother, her husband, and even her son. It was a time to think everybody wants to kill another. We had 16 years like that. Same and same and same. We are tired right now. We need peace. Stop fighting! Enough destroying the country like this. It's time to think of our children's future. We are the same family and we can do good things if we think good things, please.

Your sister Sahro.

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