Wow... I haven't been here in a while. I keep thinking about it, just not acting on those brain waves. It's good to be back online, though.
This is a picture of the best apple pie ever. Well, at least in my personal baking history. I made this pie as a "birthday cake" for my mother in law. It's the first time in my life I have ever made a pie crust that did not fall apart, get soggy, burn, or just not taste good. It was a beautiful thing. And it lasted about 24 hours. I hope to make one just a beautiful and scrumptious for Thanksgiving, and pair it with an equally scrumptious deep-dish pumpkin pie. If you are lucky enough to be joining the Wetenkamps and Brandts in Apple Valley for Thanksgiving, you can sample them. Love and Hugs!
Lady Lily, Mistress of the Pies
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